Stage 3: Cycling under the rain to Whitelee!

Today it has been a hard and rainy day, but we keep our moral high as we arrive to Motherwell and get closer to Glasgow, our final destination. Leaving the seashore in Troon behind, we have entered an agricultural and farming area as we rode towards Whitelee, the largest onshore wind farm in the UK, which generates up to 539 MW of electricity, enough to power more than 350,000 households.

Although the bad weather made it impossible to ride through the trails that connect its 215 wind turbines, we were able to appreciate their size and greatness and discover the realities of renewable energies at first hand.

Whitelee is a great illustration of the technological disruption that we are witnessing. Decarbonisation scenarios that a few years ago seemed impossible are now viable, due to technological process which continues to spur competitive and cost-effective solutions in all sectors. In the energy sector, which is responsible for two-thirds of global emissions, solutions needed by 2030 to decarbonise our energy system, both on the generation and demand side, are already available. However, as shown by the World Energy Outlook 2021, worldwide energy emissions increased in 2021, as growth resumed after the pandemic, and scientists alert that this transition is not taking place fast enough to keep warming levels aligned with 1.5°C. Policy and innovation support should thus be reinforced to bring promising technologies to market.

Don´t miss the views of our experts on the technological disruption that is taking place here.