Our expedition arrives today at its equator. The last kilometers of our stage have gone through the centre of Brussels, the agora of politics, the square of all of us. It is not a coincidence that Schuman Square, one of the fathers of the European Union, welcomes us in the end of our stage, moment which we have immortalized.

After the effort of these days, the fellowship, the sharing of knowledge, we take advantage of the fact that we are at the epicenter of European policies to debate and launch ideas on transversal issues: awareness raising, communication actions, education and partnerships.

In Brussels community feeling are breathed and this fact attracts glances which have different interests. Between them, whose like us: people who move to tackle climate change. The European Commission is examining cost-effective ways to make Europe’s economy more climate-friendly and less energy-intensive. In particular, by 2050, the EU should have reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 80%-95% compared to 1990 levels. In its policy, it expressly recognizes that all sectors need to contribute.

This point: the contribution of everyone, all people, all institutions, all agents is one of the pillars of Moving for Climate NOW and our Manifesto. To this end, it is necessary to have an impact on education, public awareness, communication and action policies.

But not just any action, an action based on partnerships, that can optimize results thanks to collaboration. Amina Mohammed, deputy secretary general of the United Nations, points out: “we have the opportunity to provide peace, prosperity and dignity for everyone on a healthy planet and we cannot fail, the task is difficult, but nothing is impossible when we work together in partnerships”.

The new 2030 Agenda framework, in which the Paris Accord and climate actions stand out, stipulates this change of paradigm in the way of operating, urging us to work in partnerships, which will be solid, inclusive and integrating. These can be sectoral, transversal, multistakeholder or public-private.

In the field of education the responsibility is also shared, as UNESCO points out in its recent Global Monitoring Report (GEM). It sees education as a shared responsibility of “governments, schools, teachers, parents and private agencies. A good education is the basis for improving our lives and sustainable development.

There is still no consensus as to what results education for sustainable development and education for global citizenship should achieve. Measuring scientific knowledge on climate change and the Earth can be an easy option, according to UNESCO.

But besides to the educational environments, it is essential to generalize these messages, to inform, to raise awareness and to engage. Until these topics appear on the journalists’ agenda, citizen communication campaigns, political programs, professional training and business decisions.

The commitment to climate action has to be communicated, learned, but especially, performed. Calls to action can be found in the basic materials that the United Nations makes available to citizens. For example, in The Lazy People Guide to Saving the World[1].  And those who have already taken action can join the information stream about this by using the hashtag #globalgoals on their social networks.

If you already know that we are the last generation that can fight climate change, don’t ignore it. Work for it, join in, vote for it… and tell about it.



Our voices

“Moving for Climate combines emotion, commitment, effort and urgency in the cause. It deserves everyone to take part. Because the time has come when collaborating is more profitable than not doing it.” Isabel Garro
 Communicating the low carbon transition is critical. How and who we talk to about climate changes matters enormously – these conversations serve to broaden the discussion, to include diverse voices and views and help make climate change real to everyone. Most importantly our communication can and must catalyse action.”  Siobhan Dunn
 I think it so important that people feel that climate change is their  own problem and that very big corporations  and companies attitudes change also before it gets too late, because today global warming is a big problem, but if our behavior does not change, it will be the only problem”. Juan Luis Cano
 “I believe that the key to fighting climate change is to get the younger generations on board and to make them realize the gravity of our current situation and the part they have to play in it, as well as the fact that they have to deal with the repercussions”. Inka Vogt
 Anyone can make a difference for the environment, no matter their age, race or gender. It’s easier now than ever before to get involved, or to get others involved”. Fabian Beveridge.


More information and quotes

The Global Goal 13, points out that we have to “improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning”[i]
The target 17.17 in the 2030 Agenda of United Nations, encourages us to promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships
Myworld, the survey of United Nations about the concerns of citizens around the world, has fast 10 million votes. The priority of climate change has less than 2 million votes. It’s the least voted.
2015 PISA research del PISA de 2015 howed that 21.5 per cent of 15-year-olds in OECD countries were below the level of the minimum competencies on the issue “ Earth and Space”.
According to UNESCO, only 7% of countries include education for sustainable development in teacher training.

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