Committed Against Climate Change

Claire Kiss
Associate Programme Officer
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Claire Kiss is an Associate Programme Officer at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Claire joined IRENA in October 2018 and focuses on the Agency’s participation in climate change fora and emphasizing renewable energy as a solution to climate change. Claire graduated with a J.D. from University of Oregon School of Law with a concentration in Environmental and Natural Resources Law in May 2018. Claire is originally from San Diego, California, but has spent time living in Hungary, New Zealand, and Germany, as well as other states in the United States. Outside of work, Claire enjoys traveling, hiking, biking, running, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.
If my biking to Glasgow helps communicate to negotiators at COP26 that we need urgent action now, during this critical decade, then I'm happy to brave the elements to cycle home the point. Claire Kiss - Associate Programme Officer, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
My work with IRENA reminds me every day that a clean, renewable energy future is not only possible, but also inevitable. The only question is whether the energy transition will happen in time to stave off a climate catastrophe. I urge the negotiators in Glasgow to clarify the concrete action they will be taking over the next 10 years not only to implement the Paris agreement, but to further ratchet up ambition.Claire Kiss - Associate Programme Officer, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)