Committed Against Climate Change

Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera

Director of Climate Change and Alliances


Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera is Director of Climate Change and Alliances at the Chairman’s Area of Iberdrola, leading the team activities on:

  • Analysis and development of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies;
  • Prospective studies and policy research on climate change and energy (electrification, renewables); energy prospective (technology, regulation, policies); transport, climate change and air quality;
  • Participation in the UNFCCC process under a wide perspective: COPs, climate summits, NY Climate Week, Talanoa Dialogue, National Determined Contributions,
  • Building alliances, multi-stakeholder and institutional partnerships: active participation in international energy and climate alliances such as the WBCSD, Corporate Leaders Group, International Energy Agency, Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition of the World Bank, UN Global Compact, Powering Past Coal Alliance…

He is also President of the Spanish Platform for Clean Air, Vice-president of the Spanish Green Growth Group, Vice-president of the Spanish Association of Energy Economic, member of the board of Energy Economic, Director of the MBA in Energy Business at Enerclub, and founder of the initiative Dialogues on Energy and Sustainability.

He holds a Ph.D in Applied Environmental Economics by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (with a doctoral thesis on water economics) and a MSc in International Political Economy at the University of Warwick (UK). He has published several articles in national and international media and participated on public debates on energy and climate change.