We start pedalling for climate action in Moving for Climate NOW! And we are doing so starting in Paris, a city full of symbolism while recalling the historical milestone that the Paris Agreement represents. Negotiations on its implementation will take place during the next Climate Summit COP23, which will take place in Bonn, our final destination, from November 6 to 17, 2017. This year the COP23 Presidency is chaired by Fiji and it will be a means to give visibility to the vulnerability of small island developing countries towards climate change, such as sea-level rise, and increase in the frequency and intensity of storms. The COP23 Presidency vision, well captured in its logo, wants to raise awareness on the uncertain future that climate change brings to these island territories and to the world’s coastal areas. Since the start of the 20th century sea-level at a worldwide level has already risen by 20 cm.
In Moving for Climate NOW we want to contribute to spread this message and to warn about how climate change, in addition to other human pressures such as pollution or overexploitation of resources, is aggravating our oceans situation and that of our natural ecosystems (sea water temperature, ocean acidification, wildfires, droughts, etc.) with substantial economic and social impacts, as have been observed in the last huricane events in the Atlantic. Island countries are especially vulnerable; in 2016 Cyclone Winston caused Fiji damages up to one third of its GDP.
After a cycling journey of 121 km to Peronne (Picardie region), where we have gone through vast croplands, stained with small forest areas, we have reflected upon the importance of promoting healthy ecosystems to palliate and combat climate change.
We must not forget that oceans as well as forests act as large carbon sinks and storages and as such are key to ensure equilibrium between CO2 emissions and the planet’s absorption capacity. Moreover they provide a range of goods and services (climate regulation, air and water quality, erosion control, soil fertilisation, pollination, etc) fundamental to sustain human activity like agriculture and tourism. For this reason, promoting increased awareness on the goods and services that natural systems provide and their link with climate change is key. The weaker the natural ecosystems become, the lower the capacity we will have to face changes in climate. And vice versa, a changing climate weakens natural ecosystems.
Our voices
“Vivimos en un planeta azul. Los océanos sustentan la vida en la Tierra y nuestro bienestar común. Producen la mitad del oxígeno que respiramos, regulan el clima y absorben CO2”. Sonia Castañeda. Fundación Biodiversidad
“Climate Change is an ethical issue; it implies questions of fairness and responsibility between generations, nations, individual and the rest of the nature” Gonzalo Saénz de Miera. Iberdrola.
“Sea-level rise, lack of rain, desertification, … affects especially those families with lowest resources” Jorge Cattaneo. Ayuda en Acción.
More information and quotes
Damages sustained in Fiji during Cyclone Winston in 2016 were $1.4 billion, nearly one third of total GDP. COP23
El Índice Planeta Vivo 2016 revela que la población mundial de vertebrados disminuyó un 58% entre 1970 y 2012 debido a las actividades humanas. Prevé una disminución de hasta un 67% en tan solo medio siglo (en el periodo 1970-2020).