The Moving for Climate NOW Manifesto

The latest IPCC report showed stark conclusions on how climate change is rapidly intensifying. The 26th Climate Summit in Glasgow needs to be decisive in boosting global climate efforts. Those of us that have joined the Moving for Climate NOW initiative which, like the Paris Agreement, is also celebrating its 6th anniversary, are aware that to achieve the 1.5 target, we have to concentrate on JOINING and MULTIPLYING forces to mobilise society in a DECADE OF CLIMATE ACTION. The established roadmap to net-zero needs to be accelerated, ensuring that the climate goals are a key element of the Covid-19 recovery measures. The transition is technologically possible, economically viable and full of OPPORTUNITIES to create jobs and sustainable growth. The choices that we make NOW and in the coming years will shape the pathway for the next 20-30 years and beyond. Every minute counts.
If we are to maximise our chances of combating climate change, the following 5 actions are essential:
- We need medium and long-term pathways aligned with reaching net-zero emissions by 2050: Governments are called to align their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with a 1.5oC pathway, making significant cuts by 2030, and committing to achieving net zero as soon as possible, while fostering international cooperation to secure global net zero by mid-century.
- Consistent and enabling policy frameworks are needed to implement the NDCs. TPublic authorities should take advantage of a comprehensive and consistent set of policy tools (regulations, economic and fiscal instruments, R&D, etc.) to speed up an inclusive, resilient, and deep decarbonisation, without leaving anyone behind. This requires a green transformation at all levels, including in the financial system, to mobilise the huge volume of resources needed to finance the transition.
- Decarbonisation needs to be URGENTLY accelerated in all economic sectors through a massive expansion of green investment. Energy, which is the main cause of the problem, should also be the main source of solutions, with a model based on clean energies, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and heating. Fortunately, the clean energy technologies (renewables, storage, mobility, etc.) needed by 2030 are already available, and are undergoing a technological revolution that can continue to spur competitive and cost-effective solutions. Constant innovation support should continue to bring promising technologies to market;
- Nature is our ally in keeping a healthy planet and in our fight against climate change. It plays an essential part in effective and sustainable mitigation and adaption action. Conserving and restoring marine and terrestrial ecosystems are crucial to achieve climate goals and sustain our life on earth;
- The greatest challenges need to be tackled through alliances. We ALL have to act: actors, big and small or public and private; governments local or global; social institutions; adults, youth… we ALL have to move ALL the levers of change (policies, technological, fiscal, financial, etc.) and we have to do it NOW. We need to work together through public-private partnerships, multi-stakeholder, or cross-sector alliances, optimising resources and improving outcomes.
This alliance is a demonstration that global challenges like climate change and the pandemic require the joining of forces among diverse and different backgrounds. The slogan for this initiative, Moving for Climate NOW, sums up our message to society: Let’s ALL move, pulling ALL the levers RIGHT NOW.