Sara Casas is an Engineer in EcoAquatic Technologies, specialist in Integral Water Management in The Netherlands.
She is Environmental Management at the University of Wolverhampton (UK); Master degree in direction and management of non profit entities and Master degree in Business Administration (MBA).
Since 2004 is the Climate Change and Environment Desk Officer at Spanish Red Cross. She is Member of the Emergency Respond Unit Team, for water and sanitation of the Spanish Red Cross and SpRC Responsible trainer in the Sphere Project.
Casa is responsible for the installation of different projects of the Volunteering Programme for the National Strategy for the restoration of rivers of the Environment Ministry and Coordinator of the learning modules in the area of Water and Environment for CRE.
The Spanish Red Cross is involved in several programmes of Adaptation and Mitigation of the Climate Change aim to stop vulnerabilities. Climate change ranks amongst the greatest global problems of the 21st century and the scientific evidence on climate change is stronger than ever.
“Although climate change is a global issue with impacts all over the world, those people with the least resources have the least capacity to adapt and therefore are the most vulnerable. It is important to give consideration to the impact and costs of a world-wide increase in natural disasters, and adopt policies to confront these risks. Nevertheless, for the Spanish Red Cross the immediate humanitarian imperative is to focus on measures at local and regional level to prepare for, and reduce the risks to populations in disaster-prone areas today”.