Johannes Friedrich, Senior Associate within the Global Climate Program, World Resources Institute (WRI).

Johannes is a Senior Associate within the Global Climate Program, leading WRI’s climate data and innovation work. He is the project manager for Climate Watch and Power Watch and advises the institute on how to create new policy relevant data products and cutting edge visualization tools to turn information into action. In his role he works on a wide range of topics, including global climate and power sector data, policy analysis for the UNFCCC, food, forest and water issues, as well as corporate climate action.

Previously he performed research on the scientific underpinning of the Planetary Boundaries concept at the Stockholm Resilience Center as well as applying his technical knowledge to marine ecology research in Egypt and working with the French-German television station ARTE in France. He has a Bachelor’s in computer science and an interdisciplinary Master’s in science for sustainable development. He loves the outdoors, diving, biking and unicycling and prefers alternative modes of travel, like hitch-hiking and couch-surfing.

“The Paris Agreement was a unprecedented call to action. Countries committed to set climate targets and now countries need to keep speeding towards them. Full transparency and open information builds trust and helps hold countries accountable to reduce emissions and reach their development targets”

“COP23 will be key opportunity to show how climate commitments are turning into climate actions. WRI is committed to bolstering transparency of countries’ climate efforts. This is why we launched Climate Watch – a powerful online data platform — in collaboration with many other organizations”