Committed Against Climate Change

Jacopo Tattini

Transport and Energy Researcher in the Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks Directorate

International Energy Agency (IEA)

Jacopo is a Transport and Energy Researcher in the Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks directorate at the International Energy Agency (IEA). Within the IEA, he contributes to the development of the Mobility Model (MoMo), carries out technology and policy analyses for transport technologies, and provides policy recommendations to promote energy diversification and decarbonisation of the transport sector. He is co-author of the Global EV Outlook, Nordic EV Outlook, and The Future of Rail report. Jacopo holds a PhD in Energy System Modelling from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and an MSc in Energy Engineering from Polytechnic of Turin. He has authored and co-author on seven published peer-reviewed journal papers on topics such as modelling consumers’ choice and decarbonisation of the transport sector and energy system.