Committed Against Climate Change

Álvaro Rodríguez
Climate Reality Project General Coordinator in Spain
PhD on Circular Economy by Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
Expert on Recyling, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Construction, Climate Change and Sustainable Mobility.
First chairman of International Environment Council of BIR.
Communicaton, CSR and International Director of Spanish Association of Communication Directors (DIRCOM).
Environment and Renewable Energies Director at IMF Business School (Madrid).
The future will be what we decide to do with it. Nothing is already written.Álvaro Rodríguez - Climate Reality Project General Coordinator in Spain
Everything the Humankind has done was because someone believed it could be done. Álvaro Rodríguez - Climate Reality Project General Coordinator in Spain
We know the climate crisis is here, we have the tools to face it, we know we have to act… so the only think we need is the will to do it. Let’s do it! Álvaro Rodríguez - Climate Reality Project General Coordinator in Spain