Committed Against Climate Change

Carlos Mataix
Director, Centre for Innovation in Technology for Human Development
Polytechnic University of Madrid
I am a professor in the School of Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid, and director of UPM’s Centre for Innovation in Technology for Human Development (itdUPM).
I began my university career in 1991, when I received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education for my doctoral thesis, which I completed in 1994, focused on the study of small businesses in the informal sector.
Since then, my career has allowed me to not only observe, but also participate in the organizational design and change management of various organizations.
I have always been interested in strengthening the university’s relationship with civil society, having been the assistant director of student affairs and university extension of the School of Industrial Engineers at the UPM.
In terms of public administration, I joined the office of the director at the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) in 2008, tasked with launching the Planning and Quality Unit, and since then I have worked as an expert adviser to the cooperation council.
Within the third sector, I was the founder of Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (Engineers Without Borders) and vice president of the Coordinator of Spanish Development NGOs, also participating as a board member and advisor for various Spanish and international civil society organizations.
In the private sector, I am the director of business chairs, a member of the Iberdrola stakeholder council, and advisor to corporate foundations, such as Fundación Carasso, Cotec and the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS).
The transition to a low carbon economy has a big potential for job creation. A paradigmatic example can be found in naval shipyards that have managed to reinvent themselves by constructing different components of offshore wind power plants. This search for novel, imaginative and synergistic solutions is crucial.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
“We need to change narratives and explain to citizens that decarbonizing the economy is less costly than non-decarbonizing, because we are already paying huge costs included in our health, agriculture and infrastructures budgets to deal with the climate change and air quality problems produced due to the burning of fossil fuels”.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
Climate change is a reality and we already have it here. Scientists say that we are not aligned with a path that allows compliance with the Paris agreement. Climate change generates exponential problems that require exponential solutions.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
Seneca said: “Who doesn’t know where to go, will arrive to other place”. Concerning transition, he would say; Who doesn’t realize decarbonization is a must, will disappear, sooner than later.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola