Committed Against Climate Change

Carlos Sallé Alonso
Director of Energy Policies and Climate Change, Chairman´s Area
Carlos Sallé was born in Panamá, son of Spanish emigrants. He is Industrial Engineer for the ETSII (School of Industrial Engineering) in the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He worked in areas related with system operation in Red Eléctrica de España (the Spanish Transmission System Operator). He was Director of Electricity at the energy regulator in Spain. He was Operations Manager in the Market Operator Company. He worked in the consultancy firm NERA as Associate Manager for the Energy Area. In 2001 he joined IBERDROLA Group as Regulation Director, and in 2014 was appointed as Vice-president of Energy Policies and Climate Change directly reporting to the Chairman. Carlos is Member of the Business Advisory Board in the Public-Private-Partnership unit at UNECE (Geneva) dealing with Sustainable Development Goals. He was one of the founders of Energía Sin Fronteras, an NGO specialised in water and electricity projects in rural areas of non-developed countries. He is chairman of the Energy Commission at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.
The transition to a low carbon economy has a big potential for job creation. A paradigmatic example can be found in naval shipyards that have managed to reinvent themselves by constructing different components of offshore wind power plants. This search for novel, imaginative and synergistic solutions is crucial.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
“We need to change narratives and explain to citizens that decarbonizing the economy is less costly than non-decarbonizing, because we are already paying huge costs included in our health, agriculture and infrastructures budgets to deal with the climate change and air quality problems produced due to the burning of fossil fuels”.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
Climate change is a reality and we already have it here. Scientists say that we are not aligned with a path that allows compliance with the Paris agreement. Climate change generates exponential problems that require exponential solutions.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola
Seneca said: “Who doesn’t know where to go, will arrive to other place”. Concerning transition, he would say; Who doesn’t realize decarbonization is a must, will disappear, sooner than later.Carlos Sallé Alonso - Iberdrola