Committed Against Climate Change

Claire Kiss
Associate Profesional
International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
Claire Kiss is an Associate Professional at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Claire joined IRENA in October 2018 and focuses on the Agency’s participation in climate change fora and emphasizing renewable energy as a solution to climate change. Claire graduated with a J.D. from University of Oregon School of Law with a concentration in Environmental and Natural Resources Law in May 2018. Claire is originally from San Diego, California, but has spent time living in Hungary, New Zealand, and Germany, as well as other states in the United States. Outside of work, Claire enjoys traveling, hiking, biking, running, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.
In the power sector, 135 countries (UNFCCC parties) currently have national, regional and/or subnational renewable electricity targets in place, representing 69% of the total. By contrast, only 104 countries included renewable electricity targets in their NDCs.Claire Kiss - International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
A significant acceleration of the global energy transformation is needed as energy-related CO2 emissions are rising. Policymakers must take swift and decisive action.Claire Kiss - International Renewable Energy (IRENA)
A large-scale shift to renewable energy and electrification could deliver three-quarters of the needed reduction, or as much as 90% with ramped-up energy efficiency. This transition to a climate-proof energy system will not only provide a solution to climate change, but also provide socio-economic benefits, such as increased GDP, jobs, and human health.Claire Kiss - International Renewable Energy (IRENA)