Committed Against Climate Change

Elena Moreno Zaldibar
Deputy Minister for the Environment
Basque GovernmentPresident for the Norh. Regions4 Sustainable Development network
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, with broad managing experience in public administration leadership positions. In 2016, she was appointed Deputy Minister for the Environment of the Basque Government and is currently responsible for: planning and coordinating the environmental policy; formulating the climate change policies; and promoting the actions needed to raise awareness of environmental issues.
She is President of Ihobe, the Environmental Public Agency. Ihobe supports the Basque Government in the implementation of the environmental policy. Ms. Elena Moreno is President for the Norh of Regions4 Sustainable Development network. Regions4 was established in 2002 at the World Summit in Johannesburg as the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development – nrg4SD. In 2019, it became Regions4, and now represents 42 regional governments from 20 countries in 4 continents.
Climate change is the most urgent environmental challenge; a challenge that transcends our borders and which involves all regions on the planet. Southern Europe is considered by specialists to be an area that is highly vulnerable to the direct effects of climate change.Elena Moreno Zaldibar - Basque Government
We have set ourselves ambitious goals in the Basque Country, such as a 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, by the year 2030; and a commitment to a low carbon energy model with which we hope to achieve, by the year 2050 a carbon-neutral Basque Country.Elena Moreno Zaldibar - Basque Government
Our economy imports 70% of raw materials. We need a new economy that facilitates the production of goods and services while reducing consumption and waste of materials, water and energy sources.Elena Moreno Zaldibar - Basque Government
The population is aware of climate change, but does not know how to act. We urgently need to change habits in our everyday life. As leaders, we must provide citizens with tools and example to help them in this challenge. Each gesture, however small, counts.Elena Moreno Zaldibar - Basque Government