Committed Against Climate Change

Emilio Lebre La Rovere
Full Professor
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Emilio Lèbre La Rovere is Full Professor of the Energy Planning Program, Head of the Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LIMA) and of the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment (CENTRO CLIMA) at COPPE/UFRJ – Institute for Research and Graduate Studies of Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Graduated in Engineering, and in Economics, and M.Sc. in Systems Engineering, by COPPE/UFRJ; Ph.D. in Economics, by the School of High Studies in Social Sciences, University of Paris, France (1980).
Co-Author of several IPCC reports, contributing since 1992 to the award of 50% of the Nobel Peace Prize to the IPCC in 2007, was a member of the High Level Commission on Carbon Prices that published the Stiglitz – Stern Report in 2017.
Carbon pricing is key to meet the Paris Agreement goals, together with several instruments to counter its potentially negative social effects and make it politically acceptable: social protection schemes, workers training programs, financial assistance for firms and regions affected”. La Rovere, E.L.; “The potential contribution of emerging economies to stop dangerous climate change. The case of Brazil.Federal University of Rio de Janeiro University of Rio de Janeiro