Committed Against Climate Change

Luca Lo Re
Climate Policy Analyst
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Luca Lo Re is a Climate Policy Analyst and leads the IEA work within the OECD/IEA Climate Change Expert Group. In co-ordination with OECD colleagues, he develops technical papers, in consultation with a wide range of countries and negotiators, to promote dialogue on and enhance understanding of technical issues in the international climate change negotiations. In particular, his latest work focuses on helping advance the technical discussions around international carbon markets (Article 6 of the Paris Agreement). Prior to joining the IEA, Luca worked on a wide range of climate change mitigation and adaptation topics at the World Resources Institute and at Perspectives Climate Change. He holds a European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy (ME3) from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden), the École des Mines (EMN, Nantes, France) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM, Spain), as well as a BSc in Physics from the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy).
Decoupling economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions has never been more urgent if the world is to meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement. This requires concerted action on clean energy transitions. Governments are more and more interested in designing and implementing ambitious climate mitigation policies and carbon pricing instruments to steer their economies onto low-carbon paths. I’m proud to be part of the IEA’s work supporting these governments by providing data, analysis and technical solutions.Luca Lo Re - International Energy Agency (IEA)
Many countries are interested in how international carbon markets can help them achieve and enhance their climate mitigation goals. The IEA and the OECD, help governments advance the discussions on markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement through technical analysis and by promoting dialogue to enhance understanding of key issues. An agreement on this at COP25 is important to complete the Paris Agreement implementation rulebook.Luca Lo Re - International Energy Agency (IEA)