Committed Against Climate Change

Paul Simons
Deputy Executive Director
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Since 2015, Paul Simons has served as IEA Deputy Executive Director. In that capacity, he supports the Executive Director in providing leadership and strategic direction to the Agency.
Mr. Simons is responsible for leading the Agency’s global engagement strategy, including the Association initiative which has brought major emerging economies including China, India, Indonesia and Brazil into the IEA family. He also holds overall responsibility for co-ordinating internal operations of the Agency, including the budget and Programme of Work, and oversight of the IEA Energy Data Centre.
Mr Simons brings extensive experience in energy and economic policymaking to the IEA. As U.S. Ambassador to Chile, he strengthened energy sector cooperation, reactivating the Chile/California partnership and launching a series of renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives. Previously, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy and Sanctions, he led U.S. energy diplomacy initiatives worldwide for four years, serving during this period as delegate to the IEA Governing Board and chair of the IEA Standing Group on Long-Term Co-operation.
Mr. Simons has held a number of other senior management positions at the U.S. Department of State, extending from Middle East policy, including Arab/Israeli negotiations, to multilateral diplomacy, to narcotics and law enforcement policy. Earlier in his career, he worked in international corporate lending at a New York-based commercial bank. He holds a BA from Yale University and an MBA in Finance from New York University.
Tackling climate change will require a laser-like focus on reducing global emissions. For this, we think the world needs a grand coalition that covers governments, investors, energy companies and everyone who is genuinely committed to taking on this challenge.Paul Simons - International Energy Agency (IEA)
In the IEA’s pathway for reaching sustainable energy goals, electrification of road transport is critical. Achieving this means getting policy frameworks right, and continuing innovation in both technologies and business models.Paul Simons - International Energy Agency (IEA)
When we look at what is needed to meet climate and other sustainable energy goals, energy efficiency and renewables are among the central pillars. But we also need many other technologies to play a part in decarbonising different sectors of the economy. There is no single or simple way to transform global energy systems.Paul Simons, International Energy Agency (IEA)